Track Record

/Track Record

Steel Industry
– Development of coal briquetting binder for Iscor’s coke oven operations.
– Major supplier to Iscor of binder’s produced at the Engen Refinery to our specifications.
– Development and test programmes at Iscor Newcastle for the conversion of their blast furnace plant to use ‘very heavy’ liquid residual fuels from the Engen Refinery.
– Design and Engineering of the sophisticated fuels storage and reticulation. Systems for the blast furnace carbon injectant fuels and engineering input to the injectors and injector control systems.
– G.E.S. was the contracted supplier of blast furnace carbon injectant fuels to the Newcastle works for over 10 years.
– G.E.S. has ongoing development programmes with Engen on liquid fuel requirements across all industries.

Aluminium Industry
Alusaf Hillside plant and Mozal plants
G.E.S. were employed as consultants to assist in rectifying the fuel storage and reticulation installation provided by an overseas contractor and to provide technical support to overcome difficulties in the furnace burner computer control systems.

Engen Refinery

On going product and project development programmes.

Design, supply installation commissioning of the entire heat fuels (H.F.O.) systems including :
– fuels storage
– pumping and heating equipment
– reticulation pipe work
– specialised burners for the billet reheating furnace.
– computer control systems for the burners and furnaces.

Complete design, manufacture, procurement and shipping from South Africa installation and commissioning of a large scale district water heating plant:

poland   Energy source is waste hot gas from an adjoining coal processing plant.

South Africa
The engineering design and installation of fuel storage, pumping and heating equipment and reticulation pipe work for the storage and utilisation of the full range of petroleum liquid fuels provided through General Energy Systems under contract ‘Nation-wide”. The fuels are drawn from the Engen Refinery.

southafrica   A cyclonic combustor retrofitted to a 20 ton boiler that G.E.S designed, installed and commissioned.

The combustor utilises sander dust as a fuel source